Let’s practice tenses with Modals quiz by 9mclasses


Modals Quiz 1

Fill in the blanks using appropriate Modals.

1 / 9

__________ I speak to the Chief Councellor, please?

2 / 9

They ________ hear him because he was whispering.

3 / 9

My teacher _____ speak four languages.

4 / 9

_____ you please open the door?

5 / 9

__________ you like to have dinner with me tonight?

6 / 9

You _____ not speak loudly in the hospital.

7 / 9

My son ___ be home by now. Where can he be?

8 / 9

Children ________ be accompanied by an adult at the zoo.

9 / 9

I liked this dress, I _____ buy it.

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