Spoken English classes 9Mclasses

Let’s practice prepositions of time since, for, and until.


Prepositions for time Quiz-2

Use prepositions until, since or for

1 / 9

I was tired this morning. I stayed in bed __________ 9 o’clock.

2 / 9

Mr. and Mrs. Sharma have been married __________ 1997.

3 / 9

‘How long did you stay at the party last night?’ __________ 12.’

4 / 9

Don’t open the door of the bus__________ the bus stops.

5 / 9

We waited for Sneha__________ an hour but she did not come.

6 / 9

We've been waiting for you ____ 9 o'clock.

7 / 9

Ryan and I are good friends. We have known each other __________ nine years.

8 / 9

I’m tired. I’m going to lie down __________ a few minutes.

9 / 9

Have you just arrived?’ ‘No, I have been here __________ 9'o clock’

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